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Presentation Skills 

These presentation drops are from my final year project, Wandesford Quay Intergenerational Centre. The drops present the initial concept to the final stage in semester one. 

72 first.jpg
72 final.jpg

Rendering Skills 

These are examples of renders I have completed  during college and work placement. These images are completed using a photo realistic programme called 'Enscape'.  

Conceptual Model Making 

This is conceptual development of my final year project, Wandesford Quay Intergenerational Centre. The initial concept came from the cracks in the existing building materials. The first model was a tension model which illustrated the cracks. Study of positive and negative space was completed from this model forming angular panels. These angular panels were enlarged and formed functions within space such as staircases, balustrades, leaning walls and structural elements holding up floor areas. 


Stage 1


Stage 2

Screenshot (19).png

Stage 3


Stage 5


Stage 4

Mood Board 

This is a chocolate mood board completed during the Alga chocolate factory project. All these images are examples of what comes to my mind when I think of chocolate and architecture together. 

chocolate board.jpg

Fittings Booklet

These are the fittings booklets I completed during my work placement in Willie Duggan. 

Hopkin's House 

Audrey Gaffney 


Design Detailing 

These are the design details that I have completed for my fourth year project, Wandesford Quay.  

Compliance Report

Reflected Ceiling Plan

Floor Finishes


Design Detailing 



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